Saturday, August 18, 2007


ESL course closing ceremony and diner including
the presentation of
By Juan Manuel Castillo.

July 23th is a new beginning for many Hispanics, Coreans and Armenians in Pasadena who wish to improve their knowledge in the English language
or to have basic knowledge of the language.
For this reason “Lake Avenue Community Foundation” joined with
“Teach Over Seas-Educational Services International” and
“Comunidad de Las Americas” organized
“Classes E.S.L del Vecindario” en Villa 500.

Linnie Riboli.
Lake Avenue Community Foundation
Administrative Director.
This course came to its finale August 15th.
In the night of closure each group (six total) participated by showing an activity
along with their teachers, of what they had learned in these classes.
They received their certificate of participation in the English course.
For this ending we had a special program from the foundation,
not only for the students but also for the teachers as well,
in this form thanking them for their efforts
done for the better of our community.

Jorge Sánchez
Pastor of Comunidad de las Americas.
For the closure of the night we enjoyed our dinner and

specials guests.
Teachers as well as students shared the time, with great satisfaction of the job they had accomplished for the glory of our Father God.
In this way giving conclusion to the adventure called:
ESL English classes in my neighborhood.

Carice Blazo.
Central Europe Director Teach Overseas.

I want to thank all the people that in different ways offered
their support each day in Villa 500 these four weeks,
and God willing we’ll be gathering again next year!

Larry C. Harter.
Pastor of Discovery I classes
Lake Avenue Church.

Marco Rodriguez.
Hollywood actor.

Juan Manuel Castillo.
ESL course coordinator.

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