Saturday, August 25, 2007


ESL course.
Pasadena CA.


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Saturday, August 18, 2007


ESL course closing ceremony and diner including
the presentation of
By Juan Manuel Castillo.

July 23th is a new beginning for many Hispanics, Coreans and Armenians in Pasadena who wish to improve their knowledge in the English language
or to have basic knowledge of the language.
For this reason “Lake Avenue Community Foundation” joined with
“Teach Over Seas-Educational Services International” and
“Comunidad de Las Americas” organized
“Classes E.S.L del Vecindario” en Villa 500.

Linnie Riboli.
Lake Avenue Community Foundation
Administrative Director.
This course came to its finale August 15th.
In the night of closure each group (six total) participated by showing an activity
along with their teachers, of what they had learned in these classes.
They received their certificate of participation in the English course.
For this ending we had a special program from the foundation,
not only for the students but also for the teachers as well,
in this form thanking them for their efforts
done for the better of our community.

Jorge Sánchez
Pastor of Comunidad de las Americas.
For the closure of the night we enjoyed our dinner and

specials guests.
Teachers as well as students shared the time, with great satisfaction of the job they had accomplished for the glory of our Father God.
In this way giving conclusion to the adventure called:
ESL English classes in my neighborhood.

Carice Blazo.
Central Europe Director Teach Overseas.

I want to thank all the people that in different ways offered
their support each day in Villa 500 these four weeks,
and God willing we’ll be gathering again next year!

Larry C. Harter.
Pastor of Discovery I classes
Lake Avenue Church.

Marco Rodriguez.
Hollywood actor.

Juan Manuel Castillo.
ESL course coordinator.

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Friday, August 17, 2007


August 15th. was my B-day.
Thanks Comunidad de las Americas and
Overseas Teachers.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Guelaguetza 2007 Los Angeles CA USA

The Guelaguetza Festival.
Celebrating 20 Years of Tradition at Normandie ParkRegional Organization of Oaxaca PresentsThe Beauty of Oaxaca in Los Angeles.
The Guelaguetza Festival at Normandie Park constitutes the most important celebration for the Oaxacan community of Los Angeles.The word "Guelaguetza" translated from the indigenous language, means mutual offering or gift that often take place among the members of the community. Guelaguetza also, for the Oaxacan people represents a unique life style rooted in hundred years of tradition and cultural heritage.
Throughout rituals that involved human sacrifices and dances that were not merely for enjoyment, but a way to implore Centeotl (Goddess of Corn) for a good harvest, ancient Zapotects used to practice the custom of Guelguetza.Today members of the Oaxacan community Still practice Guelaguetza in various ceremonious occasions, such as weddings, funerals, to welcome newborn babies, and in numerous festivities
In the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, this ancient tradition has been preserved in the spirit of the Oaxacans and has become a festival in which the inhabitants of the seven different regions, among flowers, their live music, their dances and all the ingredients that make

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Saturday, August 4, 2007


Homeless BBQ and Worship on the Plaza.
Every Sunday, we gather for music and teaching. The atmosphere is casual – and the music, sometimes loud! After each service, one of the Hubs will typically go out for dinner…a great chance for those who are visiting to get to know us. Let's take our concept of "church" and turn it on its head. We're not a building; not a time of the week; not a social club; and especially not an institution of judgement or condemnation. And we're not about us. We're about moving outward, seeking God and the life He dreams for us and our world.
We strive to be…
A COMMUNITY OF CONCERN: We demonstrate real and active care for one another and those around us with the desire to realize the life God intended for the world. on
A DISCOVERY OF FAITH: No matter where we currently stand in relation to God, there is always more to learn, more to experience, and more to enjoy about Him. We will never suppose we have it all figured out.

We seek to embody…
HONESTY : We will be real about our lives, which are filled with struggles, sorrow, and joy. We strive for honesty with God and one another—because we know we're not perfect and we refuse to pretend we are.
MYSTERY : We believe faith is knowable, but never fully comprehendible. Faith is not as black and white as we would prefer or many Christians might assert. But there is a significant degree of gray and paradox in which we must learn to be comfortable.

HOLISTIC TRANSFORMATION : Life cannot be separated into its spiritual and material components. Rather, our lives are integrated wholes where each aspect of life affects the other. God desires to transform every corner of our individual and corporate being, whether that be our intellects, our emotions, our physical health, or our relationships.
RECONCILIATION : In pursuit of the Bible's call for interpersonal reconciliation and unity, we're taking the first steps down a long and difficult path toward the establishment of mutually understood, compassionate, and inclusive relationships between people of different ethnicities, sexual orientations, and socio-economic positions. We insist on keeping these issues in our hearts, on our minds, and from our lips as we seek to become a people for whom love and grace are our hallmark.

ADVOCACY : We will act for those who cannot because we ought to and we can. Throughout his ministry, Jesus Christ sought justice and mercy for the outcast and oppressed (socially, economically, ethnically, etc.) and we are called to no less.
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