Por mas de una decada a sido mi ciudad.
Pasadena City Hall.
La palabra Pasadena significa literalmente el "valle" en el Ojibwa (Chippewa) idioma Indio, pero ha sido interpretado como "Corona del Valle" y "Llave del Valle," de ahí la adopción de la corona y la llave en el sello oficial de la ciudad.
La rosa (ninguna variedad en particular) fue adoptada como la flor oficial de Pasadena el 22 de septiembre de 1961.
La rosa (ninguna variedad en particular) fue adoptada como la flor oficial de Pasadena el 22 de septiembre de 1961.
Pasadena restaurants.
El histórico Old town de Pasadena California es localizada apenas minutos del centro Los Angeles en el hermoso Valle de SanGabriel. Bordeado por la avenida Marengo en el Este y la Avenida de Pasadena en el Oeste, Pasadena Old Town abarca de la Calle Holly en el Norte a la Calle Green en el Sur, el Bulevar de Colorado ha llegado a ser la avenida principal de Pasadena y es visitado por cientos de peatones y vehículos todas las noches. Una meca de entretenimiento, lugares para cenar y hacer compras, Pasadena Old Town y áreas contiguas inclusive Lake ave. han llegado a ser cada vez más populares como lugares de sitios para turistas . Cuando visites, Pasadena lo miraras como hace setenta años. Muchos de los edificios históricos han sido restaurados y las tiendas calle-anteriores mantienen su apariencia antigua ofreciendola a los centenares que pasean sus calles cada día. En Pasadena Old Town abunda salas de fiestas, más de 50 restaurantes que sirven toda clase de cocina y tiendas innumerables de especialidad que ofrecen artículos tales como ropa, antigüedades, muebles y artículos exóticos de alrededor del mundo. Semanalmente, uno puede encontrar todos géneros de música, rock, jazz, blues, clásica, baile, comedia. Con algo para todos. En Pasadena es facil de encontrar lo que nesecitas por que es el area con mas diversión en California.
Colorado Boulevart.
The word Pasadena literally means "valley" in the Ojibwa (Chippewa) Indian language, but it has been interpreted to mean "Crown of the Valley" and "Key of the Valley," hence the adoption of both the crown and the key in the official city seal.
The rose (no particular variety) was adopted as Pasadena's official flower on September 22, 1961.
The rose (no particular variety) was adopted as Pasadena's official flower on September 22, 1961.
Old Town Pasadena.
Historic Old Town Pasadena California is located just minutes from downtown Los Angeles in the beautiful San Gabriel Valley. Bordered by Marengo Ave. on the East and Pasadena Avenue on the West, Old Pasadena stretches from Holly Street on the North to Green Street on the South. Shown below in a photo circa 1928 and to the left as it appears today, is Colorado Boulevard. Better known as the street on which the major portion of the annual Rose Parade takes place, Colorado Boulevard has become the main strip of Old Pasadena and is packed with pedestrians and vehicles nightly. A mecca of entertainment, dining and shopping, Old Pasadena and bordering areas including South Lake Avenue have become increasingly popular as tourist attractions and night spots.
As seen here, Old Pasadena looks very much as it did seventy years ago. Many of the historic buildings have been restored and the street-front shops maintain their appeal to the hundreds who stroll the sidewalks each day. Old Pasadena abounds with night clubs, bars, over 50 restaurants serving all types of cuisine and countless specialty shops offering such items as clothing, antiques, furniture and exotic items from around the world. Weekly, one can find all genres of live music from rock, jazz and blues to classical plus dancing, comedy, and billiards. With something for everyone, it's easy to see why Old Pasadena is one of the hottest areas in Southern California.
As seen here, Old Pasadena looks very much as it did seventy years ago. Many of the historic buildings have been restored and the street-front shops maintain their appeal to the hundreds who stroll the sidewalks each day. Old Pasadena abounds with night clubs, bars, over 50 restaurants serving all types of cuisine and countless specialty shops offering such items as clothing, antiques, furniture and exotic items from around the world. Weekly, one can find all genres of live music from rock, jazz and blues to classical plus dancing, comedy, and billiards. With something for everyone, it's easy to see why Old Pasadena is one of the hottest areas in Southern California.